
A life in threes

Month: January, 2017


Sometimes I write letters that I never mean to send.

Letters to the Universe full of all my most private thoughts and ideas as a means of working things out in my head.

Sometimes if my words are especially negative or melodramatic, I burn them, as a sort of ritual of release.

This morning I burned a two-page double-sided letter to the Universe, detailing my latest feelings and thoughts  of self-loathing, sadness and anger.

The letter burned rather quickly and damn near completely…except for a small scrap of paper on which clearly could be read three words:





If that’s not a fitting observation from the Universe, I don’t know what is.

Perhaps I am caught, indeed.


Karma, and struggling.

I found this article by Erin Pavlina this afternoon, and I thought that I would share.

It explains rather succinctly a connection that I’ve been struggling with understanding concerning karma and the Universe.

Mostly, this article inadvertently answers why it is probable that we as spiritual human beings keep running into the same situations in life over and over, and what that has to do with karma.

Check it out.


The part that hit me the most profoundly was this:

Karma is about being given the opportunity to change your vibration and attract something different. No one is going to inflict that upon you, but the universe will bring you ample opportunities to choose a different path.

So if you’re holding out hope that something bad will happen to another person, you’re better off releasing, forgiving, and moving on, otherwise you will attract new opportunities that involve you needing to forgive someone. Are you catching my drift here?

If you are constantly wishing negative things will happen to those who wrong you, the universe will constantly bring you people who wrong you so you can continue wishing negative things will happen to them. That’s your vibration. That’s your karma. That’s what the universe thinks you want since that’s what you’re always thinking about.

Karma is not punishment, it’s not revenge, it’s not justice. Karma is the universe giving you opportunities to alter your vibration. Do with that what you will.”

How this relates to my present situation is that I have wondered for quite a while now why I keep getting thrown into situations wherein I keep finding myself feeling echoes of the past – people I’ve hurt, people that have hurt me, and the corresponding situations that I would rather not think about.

Perhaps in focusing on the pain of what I’ve been through, I am constantly re-opening the wounds rather than doing anything to heal them.

Perhaps this is what brought Him to me:  my latest spiritual work – in working with the God that I Had Promised Myself that I Would Never Work With – I have been forced to confront all the reasons why I had refused to work with Him for so long.

I began to see that the only way to move forward was to confront the lesson that kept being presented to me over and over in seeing His face, and the echoes of that premise: If you expect a monster, you will get a monster.

Yes, He is still capable of being a monster.

But the only way to move forward in my spiritual practice is to engage with Him.

And I am engaging with Him.

The only way out is to go through.




Neil Gaiman has done it again – with some lovely words to ponder on this first day of 2017:


I would like to take a moment to wish all of my readers a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.

May we all find the bravery we need to step forward into the darkness – together.

May we all find the joy that we are seeking in this world – together.