A surprise on my front step.

by beanalreasa

Today while I was in-between walking my dogs (i.e, I’d finished walking one but I hadn’t begun walking the other), I walked out to notice that an eastern indigo snake decided to sun itself *in* my rosebush.

Standing on my front step, I saw that it was entwined in the rosebush just outside my front door.

It seemed to take a few moments before it noticed my dog and I, whereupon it slithered out from the rose-bush and onto the concrete step at my feet before slithering quickly into my periwinkle bushes.

Measuring about 4 feet long (!), it was a stunningly rich medium blue color.

I only wish that I had been able to get a photo of it while it was in the rose-bush; it made me think of an amazing tattoo.

(It would have looked even cooler if roses had been blooming on the bush.)