
A life in threes

Tag: moving forward

Thought for today.

Yesterday was a difficult day.

I was very angry and insecure and thinking about the past, as the date – 14 November- has marked a reminder of a horrible low point in regards to my personal history in these last 5 years*

I was going to post a link for the curious…

but then I thought better of it, simply because it doesn’t serve any purpose for me to dredge shit up now, does it?


And then, this morning, this quote came across my media feed:



Thanks, Universe.


*Though, this time of year – in general – has always been a shitty time of year for me and my emotions.

Meanwhile, the Thought365 project has given me the gentle impetus to change that, so I thought I’d try it.





Yes…. that would be me.

I may be stumbling, but I’m moving forward.


(Thanks to The Crone’s Grove for this image.)